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From book to big screen: The Twilight Saga

Team Edward or Team Jacob? Basically the biggest question you could ask a teenage girl in 2008-2009. If you're a Twilight fan, you know how large the books are..700, 800 pages! I distinctly remember carrying around those books in my backpack in 8th grade waiting for any free second I had so I could crack open those books and transport myself to Forks, Washington. You could only imagine my excitement when I heard that they were making the Twilight Saga into movies. Who was going to play Edward? Bella? Jacob? Ah!! I couldn't wait.

Once they released all the characters, so people had mixed feelings. We were nervous our beloved book was going to be botched by producers and directors. And...we were kind of right. If you ask pretty much anybody how they liked the Twilight movies a lot of people are going to say they didn't like them. Making a book into a movie is always difficult since people have such strong images of these fictional characters in their heads. Some book to movie transitions have been successful, like The Hunger Games series for example, and others did not work out so well (unfortunately Twilight). This all being said, it does not mean I, personally, did not like the movies! Like would be an understatement, I still watch them whenever they're on TV and own all 4 DVDs.

So book lovers, remember how much you loved the book before it turned into a movie. Remember your own Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and remember how those books made you feel. You may not agree with the characters the director picked, but we stay strong because Stephanie Myer has changed our lives for the better by writing the Twilight Saga!

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